A Fresh Coat of Paint
This domain has seen various incarnations, and had different purposes over the years, but previously it's been mostly a home for my professional design portfolio. I'd add a few projects, find a new job, let things go stale — rinse, repeat (reasons for this stagnation have varied — sometimes professional and sometimes, very personal).
Hello again
This year, I've begun to take what was an enthusiastic hobby, photography, a bit more seriously. Along with Brandon and Erica, 202 Photography has become a "thing". I've also taken a few solo gigs, and would like to continue doing so (feel free to contact me for a booking!). It seemed like it was time plant a flag, and call somewhere home.
I hope you enjoy what I have to offer. I won't promise frequent blog postings (they'll pop up occasionally), but I do have some ideas for content that will supplement my selected images. Hopefully you'll be seeing a bit more of that soon :)